Unity Healing Services

At Unity Radiant Light, we believe that we are already whole and healthy. Prayer and meditation is a big part of this.  We see that.

In our healing services we go one step further. We have members who have studied in Reiki, acupressure, reflexology, cranial sacral, Theta Healing, angel card healing messages, and other modalities.  Even though they might not be at every healing service there is always something new and wonderful to try. All of these are a form or relaxation. Trying to get the body to just sit still for a few moments and take in the beautiful healings that are there for all of us.

The Healing Service is held the second Sunday of the Month, but if someone is making a request after a service we are more than happy to sit down, listen, and try and give them a small bit of peace.  Even for a few minutes you would be surprised how much better you can feel. Here at Unity we are all family!

ASK BELIEVE RECEIVE Miracles are everywhere!

Join us for the experience!

Healing is deeply personal, so the healing service is a team effort with the recipient. That person acts like a cell tower in many ways, receiving energy and allowing it to flow to the areas of the body and mind where it is needed. The atmosphere is loving and holy, made powerful with gratitude, blessed with deep peace.
— Lori, Healer

Book Healing Services

Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind.
— Charles Fillmore

I am the ever-renewing, ever-unfolding expression of infinite life.
As I discover the power within, I unleash my divine potential.
— Eric Butterworth

Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.
— Claire C.

Your prosperity comes through you instead of to you.
— Myrtle Fillmore
As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith.
— Eric Butterworth